Funny Never Have I Ever for Kids Questions List

Quiz: What the monkey emojis say about you.

Quiz: We can tell which monkey emoji you are by the colors you choose!

📖  Content:

  • 😊  How to Play Never Have I Ever
  • 😎  100+ Never Have I Ever Statements For Kids
  • 📱  Play Never Have I Ever Online

Never Have I Ever is one of the best games for kids to get to know each other. This fun family game is suitable for any party and can be played with two or more players!

Here you find you need to know about Never Have I Ever and more than 100 questions for you and your friends.

How To Play Never Have I Ever?

There are several ways you can play Never have I ever. We show you our two favorite ways to play the game.

Would you like to play along with a video? Just skip this article and check out our How to Play Never Have I Ever video:

Option 1: The Classic One

For the classic version, you need nothing except a good mood. There are no winners and no losers either. The aim of the game is to just have fun and reveal secrets. And this is how it works:

All players hold their hands up with outstretched fingers so that the others can see them. Then one person reads a Never Have I Ever statement:

For example: Never have I ever lied to my parents.

All those who have lied to their parents before "lose" one finger and consequently only have 9 fingers extended.

Suggested read: Never Have I Ever Rules

This is repeated until the first person has lost all their lives and has no fingers left.

Option 2: Right or Wrong?

For this version of Never Have I Ever you need a pen and a piece of paper.

Every round there is one person who chooses a Never Have I Ever statement from the list and reads it out loud. The other players have to say in turn whether they think the statement is true or not.

For example: Anna says, "Never have I ever talked to my stuffed animals.

The other players now give their opinion:

  • Steve: "Not true."
  • Nico: "That's right."
  • Elly: "Right."

When everyone has said their opinion, the person reveals the truth to the others. So whether she's done it before or not. The players who guessed right get a point.

For example: Anna actually never talked to a stuffed animal.

The awarding of score would look like this:

  • Steve guessed correctly → 1 point
  • Nico got it wrong → 0 points
  • Elly also guessed wrong → 0 points

That's it. This procedure is repeated every round.

The one with the most points at the end wins. You should decide in advance how many rounds you want to play.

100+ Never Have I Ever Statements For Kids

  • Never Have I Ever… cheated on a test.
  • Never Have I Ever… laughed so hard I had to cry.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten snow.
  • Never Have I Ever… had chewing gum in my hair.
  • Never Have I Ever… been shat on by a bird.
  • Never Have I Ever… missed the school bus.
  • Never Have I Ever… tasted coffee.
  • Never Have I Ever… had a nightmare.
  • Never Have I Ever… held a tarantula in my hand.
  • Never Have I Ever… lied to my parents.
  • Never Have I Ever… bullied anyone.
  • Never Have I Ever… imitated a superhero.
  • Never Have I Ever… been afraid of the dark.
  • Never Have I Ever… made a funny phone prank.
  • Never Have I Ever… wet my bed.
  • Never Have I Ever… fought with my sibling.
  • Never Have I Ever… done anything embarrassing in public.
  • Never Have I Ever… cried in school.
  • Never Have I Ever… ridden a horse.
  • Never Have I Ever… got the giggles during class.
  • Never Have I Ever… participated in a talent show.
  • Never Have I Ever… killed a spider.
  • Never Have I Ever… been awake all night long.
  • Never Have I Ever… stepped in dog shit.
  • Never Have I Ever… kissed a girl/boy.
  • Never Have I Ever… played a video game for more than four hours in one sitting.
  • Never Have I Ever… had an imaginary friend.
  • Never Have I Ever… played this party game before.
  • Never Have I Ever… watched a horror movie.
  • Never Have I Ever… destroyed my cell phone.
  • Never Have I Ever… had just dessert for dinner.

Clean Never Have I Ever Questions For Kids

  • Never Have I Ever… accidentally worn a t-shirt the wrong way round.
  • Never Have I Ever… put mentos in coke.
  • Never Have I Ever… petted a snake.
  • Never Have I Ever… hidden candy in my room.
  • Never Have I Ever… used the excuse that "my dog ate my homework."
  • Never Have I Ever… sucked my thumb.
  • Never Have I Ever… dreamed of being someone else.
  • Never Have I Ever… avoided housework.
  • Never Have I Ever… peed in the shower or bathtub.
  • Never Have I Ever… spent money, that I got for food, for something else.
  • Never Have I Ever… talked to my stuffed animals.
  • Never Have I Ever… written embarrassing things in my friend's exercise book.
  • Never Have I Ever… been afraid of clowns.
  • Never Have I Ever… used Snapchat.
  • Never Have I Ever… fallen in love with a teacher.
  • Never Have I Ever… had a mud fight.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten my booger.
  • Never Have I Ever… received a Christmas present before Christmas.
  • Never Have I Ever… built a fortress out of pillows.
  • Never Have I Ever… asked anyone else to do my homework for me.
  • Never Have I Ever… worn makeup at school.
  • Never Have I Ever… played video games all day long.
  • Never Have I Ever… stolen anything.
  • Never Have I Ever… played Fortnite before.
  • Never Have I Ever… had a fantasy friend.
  • Never Have I Ever… received a birthday present that I did not like.
  • Never Have I Ever… played a prank on my parents.
  • Never Have I Ever… sung in the shower.
  • Never Have I Ever… not been showering for more than two days.
  • Never Have I Ever… dreamed about having a superpower.
  • Never Have I Ever… named my stuffed animal.
  • Never Have I Ever… did something bad and blamed someone else for it.
  • Never Have I Ever… had training wheels.
  • Never Have I Ever… forgotten brushing my teeth for a day.
  • Never Have I Ever… cut a Barbie doll's hair.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten breakfast for dinner.
  • Never Have I Ever… been ashamed of my parents.
  • Never Have I Ever… lied about my age.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten so many pieces of candy that I vomited afterward.
  • Never Have I Ever… watched a scary movie alone.
  • Never Have I Ever… done a prank phone call.
  • Never Have I Ever… had a crush on a cartoon character.
  • Never Have I Ever… been to a garage sale.

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions For Kids

  • Never Have I Ever… vacuumed my room.
  • Never Have I Ever… danced in front of the mirror.
  • Never Have I Ever… pretended to learn, although I did something completely different.
  • Never Have I Ever… faked my parents' signature.
  • Never Have I Ever… blabbed a secret.
  • Never Have I Ever… told a friend's story and acted as it was my own.
  • Never Have I Ever… had a broken bone before.
  • Never Have I Ever… laughed at the wrong time.
  • Never Have I Ever… owned a smartphone.
  • Never Have I Ever… been grounded.
  • Never Have I Ever… smelled my underwear to see if it is clean or dirty.
  • Never Have I Ever… annoyed a cat before.
  • Never Have I Ever… ridden a roller coaster.
  • Never Have I Ever… done a backflip on a trampoline.
  • Never Have I Ever… written a letter to Santa Claus.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten chocolate for dinner.
  • Never Have I Ever… received money from my grandparents.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten a whole pack of chips at once.
  • Never Have I Ever… climbed a tree.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten a flower.
  • Never Have I Ever… fought with a friend.
  • Never Have I Ever… went to the beach.
  • Never Have I Ever… played an instrument.
  • Never Have I Ever… talked bad about a friend.
  • Never Have I Ever… been in love with someone.
  • Never Have I Ever… hurt myself in sports class.
  • Never Have I Ever… had an embarrassing haircut.
  • Never Have I Ever… told a joke in class.
  • Never Have I Ever… done cosplay before.
  • Never Have I Ever… cut my own hair.
  • Never Have I Ever… won a painting competition.
  • Never Have I Ever… farted in public.
  • Never Have I Ever… eaten Nutella with a spoon.
  • Never Have I Ever… entered a friend's house without permission.
  • Never Have I Ever… had an overweight guinea pig.
  • Never Have I Ever… seen Harry Potter.
  • Never Have I Ever… won a competition.
  • Never Have I Ever… watched a film that I wasn't allowed to watch.
  • Never Have I Ever… fallen asleep during class.
  • Never Have I Ever… held a baby in my arms.
  • Never Have I Ever… thrown a water balloon at someone else.
  • Never Have I Ever… been to a surprise party.
  • Never Have I Ever… tried cat food.
  • Never Have I Ever… stuck my tongue to a frozen pole.
  • Never Have I Ever… waived at a random stranger.
  • Never Have I Ever… used a diving board.

Play Never Have I Ever Online

Do you want to play Never Have I Ever online? Then get started and download our free apps:

📖 Suggested read: Who am I? 80+ Funny Who Am I Game Ideas

If you don't want to download anything, you can also use our Never Have I Ever Web App:

Play Never have I ever online


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