what to do when cat wont use litter box

Coming home to an unpleasant "surprise" on the floor is an inevitable fact for any true cat possessor. Unfortunately, cats don't always connect with the litter box. Fifty-fifty if your cat is well-behaved, she may sometimes choose a different spot at home, especially if she's suddenly frightened or gets trapped in a room. If this problem becomes persistent, or if your cat won't apply the litter box at all, it may be a sign of a serious medical status. At least 10 per centum of cats develop emptying urination problems in their lifetimes. Pay shut attending for clues to put an early stop to a nasty problem for both you and the cat yous love.

Signs Your True cat May Have a Problem Beyond the Litter Box

  • A pattern of urinating and/or defecating outside the litter box
  • Urine spraying, including evidence of vertical urine marks effectually doorways, walls, windows, or objects in the business firm
  • Spending likewise much time in the litter box
  • Vocalizing while in the litter box
  • Lethargy
  • Increased water intake
  • Poor appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Poor pilus coat
  • Visiting the litter box more often than usual

Potential Causes of Your Cat Missing the Litter Box

You might wonder why your cat is not using her litter box anymore, especially if the behavior has only recently become habitual. Information technology's possible that she is suffering from a wellness issue, such equally feline lower urinary tract affliction (FLUTD), bacterial cystitis, kidney failure, liver illness, or diabetes.

Long-haired white and gray cat in red collar sitting.

Household changes can also have an impact on your cat's demeanor. She may experience stress from situations like moving, remodeling, new pets or family members, and the sudden presence of outdoor cats. Aging cats may soil your home due to a decline in mobility or cognition. Stress tin as well pb to more serious weather condition, like feline idiopathic cystitis, which is a mutual type of FLUTD. Here are 10 tips to assistance your cat relieve stress.

It may be that your cat has a problem with her litter box. If it's not make clean enough, too small or too deep (cats prefer about ii inches of litter), difficult to access, or has a liner that makes her uncomfortable, she may decide to pee outside of her litter box. She also may not have enough litter boxes around the business firm, or dislikes their locations. In some cases, she may associate her litter box with a painful or uncomfortable situation. She may also dislike her litter, particularly if yous've recently switched to a different type. Cats prefer unscented litters.

How to Help Your Cat Utilise the Litter Box Properly

Contrary to what you might recollect, your true cat is not trying to spite y'all by soiling exterior of her litter box. Punishing her for the human action will merely make her fearful and exacerbate the trouble. Yous should instead identify the reason she's doing it and address information technology.

First, make sure that you scoop and alter her litter box every day. Rinse the box with baking soda or unscented soap once a week. Add litter boxes to different areas of the firm, being sure to identify them in a quiet but accessible location; they should not be placed in areas that are also remote or overly trafficked. Remove hoods and liners from the litter box. Go along nutrient bowls and bedding abroad from her litter box. Close doors to certain parts of your house when your true cat will be home solitary. If she tends to favor a certain spot, effort to make that spot less appealing to her by placing a litter box, food bowl, bed, or treats there.

Likewise, make certain to effectively clean areas of your house where your true cat has urinated outside of the litter box. This is not only for your benefit of eliminating urination odors and preserving your carpeting and furniture, but it also helps reduce confusion for your cat. If she continues to aroma areas where she has eliminated outside of the litter box, she might not understand that this isn't adequate behavior. Read our article most cat spraying for more information most cleaning up cat urine.

Diagnosing Your Cat'southward Litter Box Issues

If your cat continues to eliminate outside of her litter box, take her to the vet to place the crusade and how to manage the problem. Your vet should requite your true cat a complete physical test, consummate blood count, blood chemical science panel, and urinalysis. Later on she receives treatment for medical conditions, litter box training may be necessary to return her to normal patterns. Be certain to give her praise every time she uses her litter box properly.

The Correct Nutrition

If y'all take questions about your true cat'southward urinary health, talk to your veterinarian. She tin help you make up one's mind if a specific true cat food formulated for urinary wellness is appropriate to put your true cat on to help with any urinary issues. She can also aid you meliorate empathize any other environmental factors that might be contributing to your cat's urinary issues.


Source: https://www.hillspet.com/cat-care/healthcare/cat-not-using-litter-box

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