How Do You Know if You Sprained Your Ankle Test

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An talocrural joint sprain is one of the nigh common injuries. It is stretching or tearing of the ligaments that support the talocrural joint. Sprains occur almost commonly in the ATF (inductive talofibular) ligament because information technology runs along the outside of your ankle. The outer ligaments are non equally potent every bit the inner ligaments. Through the forces of physics, gravity and our own body weight we stretch the ligament beyond its normal capacity. This causes tears in the ligament and surrounding small blood vessels. A sprain is like a condom band pulled and stretched likewise tightly, causing tears along the surface, making information technology unstable.

  1. 1

    Recall the moment of injury. Try to remember what happened at the moment that you were injured. This may exist difficult, especially if you are in a great bargain of pain. All the same, your feel at the moment of injury may provide clues.

    • How fast were yous moving? If y'all were moving at a very high speed (e.g., skiing or running at top speed), there is a chance your injury is a os fracture. This will require professional medical attention. A lower speed injury (e.g., rolling your ankle while jogging or walking) is more probable a sprain that may heal on its ain with proper intendance.
    • Did you experience a tearing sensation? In many cases you lot will, in the example of a sprain.[1]
    • Was there a popping or snapping audio? This tin can occur with a sprain.[2] It is too common with a bone fracture.
  2. 2

    Look for swelling. In the case of a sprain, your ankle will go swollen, usually immediately.[3] Examine your ankles side-past-side to run into if the injured one looks larger. Pain and swelling will usually occur in ankle sprain or fracture.

    • Foot or talocrural joint deformity and unbearable hurting usually indicate ankle fractures. Make sure to use crutches and go to your doctor immediately.


  3. 3

    Look for bruising. A sprain also often causes bruising.[four] Examine the ankle for signs of discoloration resulting from bruises.

  4. 4

    Feel for tenderness. A sprained ankle will frequently feel tender. Gently touch the injured surface area with your fingers to see if it is painful to the touch.[5]

  5. 5

    Put weight gently on the ankle. Stand up and gently put some weight on the injured ankle. If at that place is severe hurting when you put weight on the ankle, it could be fractured. If you doubtable it is fractured go to a dr. presently.

    • Experience for a "wobbliness" in the ankle. A sprained ankle often feels loose or unstable.[6]
    • In the case of a severe sprain, y'all may not be able to put whatever weight on the talocrural joint at all, or utilise that pes to stand up. Doing so will crusade too much pain.[7] Use crutches and seek medical attending immediately.


  1. 1

    Recognize a form I sprain. Ankle sprains come in three different grades. Handling options will exist determined based on the severity of the injury. The least astringent is a grade I sprain.[8]

    • This is a pocket-size tear that doesn't affect your ability to stand or walk. While it might be uncomfortable, yous can still use your ankle usually.
    • A form I sprain may effect in minor swelling and pain.
    • In a minor sprain, swelling will commonly go away in a few days.[9]
    • Self-care is usually enough for a small sprain.
  2. 2

    Recognize a grade Two sprain. A class II sprain is a moderate injury. Information technology is an incomplete merely substantial tear of a ligament or ligaments.[x]

    • In a grade Two sprain, yous will not be able to utilise your ankle unremarkably and will have trouble putting weight on it.
    • Yous will experience moderate pain, bruising, and swelling.
    • The ankle will feel loose and may expect equally if information technology has been pulled frontward somewhat.
    • For a course II sprain, you volition demand to utilize crutches and an talocrural joint caryatid for a while to walk.
  3. three

    Recognize a grade III sprain. A class III sprain is a consummate tear and loss of the structural integrity of the ligament.[11]

    • With a grade III sprain, you will be unable to put any weight on the ankle and will be unable to stand without help.
    • Pain and bruising volition be astringent.
    • There will be significant swelling (more than 4 cm) around the fibula (calf bone).
    • There may be notable foot and ankle deformity and loftier fibular fractures just below the human knee, which can be determined past a medical examination.
    • A grade Three sprain requires the immediate attention of a doctor.
  4. four

    Recognize the signs of a fracture. A fracture is a bone injury that is especially common with loftier-speed ankle injuries in the healthy population or modest falling injuries in the elder population. The symptoms are often like to a grade III sprain. A fracture will crave Ten-rays and professional treatment.

    • A fractured ankle will be very painful and unstable.
    • A minor or hairline fracture may be identical in symptoms to a sprain, but if you suspect a hairline fracture use a split and walk on crutches.
    • A popping sound at the moment of injury may be show of a fracture.
    • An obvious foot or ankle deformity, such as your foot laying in an unusual position or bending, is definite evidence of a fracture or talocrural joint joint dislocation.


  1. one

    Consult your physician if the sprain is severe.

    • If yous run across any evidence of a moderate to severe fracture or a form III sprain, you must encounter a doctor. In other words, if you cannot walk (or experience meaning difficulty doing then), have a numb feeling in the surface area, are suffering farthermost pain, or heard a popular at the fourth dimension of the injury, see a doc.[12] You volition need X-rays and a professional examination to determine handling.
    • Cocky-care is oftentimes adequate for a small to moderate sprain. But, a sprain that doesn't heal properly may atomic number 82 to ongoing pain or swelling. If your sprain has gotten worse or hasn't gotten meliorate at all over a week then see your doctor.
  2. two

    Rest the ankle. You lot tin can use a self-intendance regimen referred to as RICE (Balance, Ice, Pinch splinting, and Elevation). This is an acronym that stands for the four treatment actions. For a grade I to II sprain, RICE might possibly exist all the treatment you need The first step is to balance the ankle.[thirteen]

    • Avert moving the ankle, and immobilize it if possible.
    • If y'all accept a ruler or a straight slice of hard material handy, you can way a splint that volition protect the limb from any further injury. Endeavour to splint your ankle so it's set in a normal anatomical position.
  3. iii

    Water ice the injury. Putting water ice on the injury can reduce swelling and discomfort. Become something cold to put on the ankle as soon equally you tin can.[14]

    • Identify some ice in a bag gently on the joint. Comprehend it with a washcloth or towel to avoid possible frostbite on your pare.
    • A purse of frozen peas as well makes a good ice pack.
    • Ice the injury for 15-twenty minutes at a time, every ii-3 hours. Proceed icing the injury in this way for 48 hours.
  4. four

    Compress the ankle. For a form I sprain, compressing the injury with an elastic bandage can help provide stability and reduce the run a risk of another injury.[15]

    • Wrap the area with bandage using a "figure-eight" pattern around the ankle.
    • Don't wrap information technology likewise tight, or yous may worsen swelling. You lot should be able to become a finger between the bandage and your skin.
    • If y'all believe you have a class Ii or Iii sprain, don't use compression. with grade Three's still get to a md every bit before long every bit possible
  5. v

    Elevate your human foot. Elevate the limb to a higher place your heart. Place your foot up on two pillows. This will decrease blood menstruum to the area and allow the swelling to amend.

    • Elevation will assist gravity in clearing the swelling, and help the pain.
  6. six

    Take medication. To assistance manage the hurting and swelling, you can take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Common over-the-counter NSAIDs include ibuprofen (trademarked names include Motrin, Advil), naproxen (trademarked as Aleve), and aspirin. Acetaminophen (also called Paracetamol or trademarked Tylenol) is not an NSAID and does not manage inflammation, but it can help reduce pain.[sixteen]

    • Take only every bit directed on the packaging, and don't take NSAIDs for pain for more than 10-xiv days.
    • Do not give aspirin to children nether the age of 18 due to the risk of developing Reye syndrome.
    • For a grade III sprain, your doc may prescribe a narcotic to have for the first 48 hours.
  7. 7

    Use a walking aid or immobilizer. for a class Three sprain once they take taken care of information technology your md may suggest a medical device to help you movement around and/or immobilize your ankle. For example:[17]

    • You may need crutches, a pikestaff, or a walker. Your level of balance will decide which is best for your safety.
    • , you may want to consider using a bandage or ankle brace to immobilize the talocrural joint. In severe cases, an orthopedic surgeon may put your ankle in a rigid cast.


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    Can you sprain your ankle by skiing?

    Jonas DeMuro, MD

    Dr. DeMuro is a board certified Pediatric Critical Care Surgeon in New York. He received his Md from Stony Brook University School of Medicine in 1996. He completed his fellowship in Surgical Disquisitional Care at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Wellness System and was a previous American College of Surgeons (ACS) Fellow.

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    Board Certified Critical Care Surgeon

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    What is an easy style to break an ankle?

    Jonas DeMuro, MD

    Dr. DeMuro is a board certified Pediatric Disquisitional Care Surgeon in New York. He received his Doc from Stony Brook Academy Schoolhouse of Medicine in 1996. He completed his fellowship in Surgical Disquisitional Care at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health Arrangement and was a previous American College of Surgeons (ACS) Fellow.

    Jonas DeMuro, MD

    Board Certified Disquisitional Care Surgeon

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    Ankle fractures commonly occur with motorcar accidents, during water ice skating, a fall that lands on the ankle such as from a ladder, or a misstep from uneven terrain or on steps. If your ankle develops swelling and/or pain after an injury, be sure to see a physician so they tin can examine information technology and decide if the ankle is sprained or fractured.

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  • Start RICE handling immediately for any ankle injury.

  • If y'all can't walk on it, consult a doctor immediately.

  • Keep off your feet as much as you can if yous believe your talocrural joint is sprained. Practise not walk. Use crutches or wheelchair. If y'all continue to walk on your ankle and do not residuum information technology, even the mildest sprain will not exist able to heal.

  • Try to attend to the sprain as soon equally possible and put on a bag of ice for short periods of time in multiple intervals.

  • Await at the injured ankle compared to the other one, and meet if there is swelling.

  • Make sure yous tell a parent or guardian for assistance.

  • Keep your feet all the same until the doctor tells y'all to move.

  • Compare your injured ankle to the normal one. If it's a course two or 3 sprain, the injured pes would have swollen and bruised quite a lot.


  • It is of import that your ankle heals completely later a sprain. If information technology does not heal properly, another sprain may be more than likely to occur. You can also end up with persistent pain and swelling that does not go abroad.

  • If you experience coolness in the limb, feeling total numbness of the feet, or tightness as a result of the swelling, this may exist the sign of a much more than serious status. Seek immediate medical attention every bit y'all may need emergency surgery for major nerve and avenue injury or compartment syndrome.


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Article Summary X

If yous're trying to figure out if yous've sprained your ankle, check for swelling, which starts almost immediately after the injury. Look for bruising and gently affect the injured area with your fingers to meet if it's painful or feels loose, which can indicate a sprain. And then, stand upward and try to put some weight on the ankle. If y'all can't stand or walk because it hurts as well much, your ankle could be sprained or fractured. In this case, it's best to see your doc immediately then the injury tin be evaluated. For tips on treating a sprained talocrural joint from our podiatry co-author, read on!

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